Course and teaching evaluation for the M.Sc. «Computer Science» for the spring semester of academic year 2023-2024

Dear postgraduate students of the M.Sc. «Computer Science»,

The evaluation of the winter semester courses taught in our M.Sc. programme within the winter semester of the academic year 2023-24 will take place from May 17, 2024 to June 14, 2024.

The evaluation is being held electronically and is a very simple, easy and brief process. Your participation in this process is both necessary and essential. Evaluation results are seriously taken into account in the design of the M.Sc. programme and contribute to the improvement of academic procedures, to the benefit of the entire academic community. The questionnaires collected during previous evaluation periods have been processed, and statistics are available through the link The M.Sc. has at its disposal more detailed results, which are continuously being utilised to improve the courses of the forthcoming periods, and the teaching procedures and methods.

In order to evaluate the courses that you are being taught during the winter semester, you can login to the course evaluation system of the University of the Peloponnese (, and then choose «Declarations/ my declaration»; then, for every course, click on the related link «Course evaluation». Detailed instructions for the use of the evaluation system can be found at

The evaluation is completely anonymous and responses cannot be correlated with the students that provided them. Since the winter semester of the current academic year, the questionnaire has been redesigned to reduce the number of questions, and consequently the time needed to complete it.

You are kindly requested to participate in this essential process, equipping our M.Sc. program with the necessary input and tools to improve and upgrade the learning process, as well as additional aspects of the academic environment.

Thank you very much,
Costas Vassilakis
Director of the M.Sc. in Computer Science