Microsoft Corporation, aiming to help students in acquiring qualifications for their professional development, offers free certifications, starting from the fundamental ones. In order to benefit from this offering by Microsoft, students must follow the steps described below:
- Create their own profile in Microsoft Learn using their personal e-mail (Outlook, Live, Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo).
- Validate their registration as students of the University of the Peloponnese, using their institutional e-mail address (ending with
- Acquire the necessary knowledge and skills (by attending the corresponding MSLE course).
- Prepare for the exams using a free hands-on/practical training.
- Obtain their certification using the free examination voucher. Participation to the exams is free when the voucher is presented.
You can access more information and begin your learning journey through the page
You can retrieve the brief informational leaflet for student certification.
Step-by-step instructions:
- for instructors (course creation)
- for students (enrollment, access to material, certification)